Monday, March 5, 2007

The Hoppers house from the woods

I went for a walk before breakfast in order to admire the sun making beautiful blue and purple shadows on the snow. I walked down through the little strip of woodland that follows a small stream below our house and liked the way I could see the Hoppers house through the trees.In spite of the cold the birds were singing their little hearts out.

Miss Lovejoy's Lane in blue.Watercolour and pastel

I love walking along this lane in the woods behind our house. I call it Miss Lovejoys Lane because back in the 1800's having sold the property, the right of way was preserved in order that her beau could visit her.
We have recently had the most beautiful snow and ice storms. Jeremy and I went for a walk in the woods and along the lane into the fields. the sky was a brilliant blue and the shadows were a stunning purple and blue. It was perishing cold so we didnt linger and went home for a cup of tea and some cake.
This painting was sold in the Washington Arts benefit silent auction